Once upon a time, in the charming town of Stadtilm, Germany, nestled amidst rolling hills and picturesque landscapes, a story of craftsmanship and heritage began. It was a story that would span centuries, a tale of dedication, innovation, and a brand that would stand the test of time – ilmia® sneakers.
The journey of ilmia® sneakers didn't start recently; it goes all the way back to 1819. For over two centuries, these sneakers have been handmade with meticulous care and attention to detail. But as the world changed around them, ilmia® sneakers needed visionaries to breathe new life into this legacy. Those visionaries were Christian Gafner (Founder of ilmia®, Industrial Designer, Design Management, Brand Design and Marketing Management) and Helge Hansen (Founder of ilmia®. Strategie & Konzept, Projektmanagement).
In the heart of Stadtilm, Christian Gafner and Helge Hansen embarked on a mission to not just preserve the ilmia® brand but to elevate it to new heights. It was a multifaceted endeavour, one that required a deep understanding of the brand's history, a keen eye for product development and design, and a strategic mind for marketing and sales coordination.
Christian Gafner and Helge Hansen understood that ilmia® had a unique selling proposition, a story of timelessness and quality that few brands could match. With passion and dedication, they meticulously planned the production processes, crafted a compelling marketing strategy, and relaunched the brand for a new generation of sneaker enthusiasts with their distinctive design.
But they didn't stop there. Christian Gafner and Helge Hansen saw the potential to take ilmia® sneakers beyond the borders of Germany. They envisioned a global presence and worked tirelessly to develop a sneaker export range that spanned across Europe, Japan, and the United States. It was a testament to their commitment to sharing the ilmia® legacy and their unique designs with the world.
In a world increasingly conscious of sustainability, Christian Gafner developed and introduced the ilmia-Europa® line, featuring sustainable eco-leather uppers. It was a step towards a more responsible and eco-friendly future, aligning ilmia® sneakers with the values of a changing world.
The outcome was nothing short of remarkable – worldwide sales and a brand that had not just survived but thrived under the guidance and design of Christian Gafner.
Today, Christian Gafner and Helge Hansen are not just inventors of the brand; they are guardians of a legacy that stretches back over 200 years. A story of resilience and innovation, all shaped by Gafner and Hansen's visionary design since 2003.